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Grafted In

Andrew Lindberg
Grafted In

For thousands of years, God’s family could be traced from one lineage–the people of Israel, descended from Abraham.  With the coming of Christ and His death and resurrection, God launched a new era in the life of His people, fulfilling prophesies that the nations would be counted as His people and worship Him (see Isaiah 49:6 and Psalm 86:9).  Paul explains how God has put the Gentiles together with the Jews in God’s family through the analogy of an olive tree with grafted branches.  God is portrayed as a gardener who skillfully stitches a wild olive shoot into the body of an established olive tree.  In the same way, adoptive families graft one life into the life of their family, weaving together a tapestry that demonstrates the love of God the Father to a watching world.  Just as the Lord weaves His people together, so our human families represent the beauty and unity of the body of Christ as we adopt children into them.


The inspiration for this image is taken from Romans chapter 11.

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January 21, 2023
Teachings and Narratives