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Abraham and Isaac

Andrew Lindberg
Abraham and Isaac

God made an incredible promise to Abraham: He would make a great nation out of his descendants. They would be like the stars. This promise was given when Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were well past child-bearing years. So unbelievable was this promise, that when the LORD subsequently revealed the timeline of the birth of their son, Sarah laughed at the thought of it! We know that God is a God of the impossible as He fulfills His Word, and it all came to pass–Isaac was born to Sarah and Abraham, just as the LORD had said. Yet, after years had passed, God spoke to Abraham once again, commanding him to sacrifice his only son as an act of worship. Incredibly, without waivering in his faith, Abraham obediently set out with Isaac to Moriah, the region God had commanded him to go. With Isaac placed upon the altar, and his knife held high to slay him, God intervened audibly from heaven and showed Abraham a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. God had provided the ram, just as Abraham knew by faith that He would, and Isaac was spared. Take special note of the ram in this image. Its head is crowned with thorns, just as the Lamb of God’s would one day be upon the cross of Calvary, situated in the same area as Mount Moriah.

See chapters 15, 18, and 22 of the book of Genesis for the whole story.

I hope that this image will be a reminder to you of the truth of God’s Word, His promises fulfilled, and the glories of Jesus Christ, the One who laid down His life for our sins.


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November 26, 2020
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